Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Choosing a Beach Location For Your Wedding

Beach brides say "I just want to get married on a beach." But what beach and how to choose?

Do you as a couple have a favorite beach? Maybe a beach where you went as a child in the summer? Or maybe you got engaged on the beach in the moonlight. Or you both discovered an amazing beach while on a cruise to the Caribbean or Mexico. Or maybe you saw a beach on the Travel Channel that looked like paradise.

Discuss it as a couple when picking your beach wedding site. Research it on the internet. Discuss it with a travel agent. Ask friends who are beach addicts. Before you know it, you'll have your location.

Check with the local beach chamber of commerce before you pick the date to make sure its not bike week or some other large people gathering at the beach. Not only will the extra commotion distract from your wedding, but the prices will be higher because of the increased demand for hotel rooms and condos.

Make sure your location is within easy travel for everyone. A beach should be accessible to a nearby airport for guests and family members who are traveling to your wedding.

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